From Independence to Interdependence by Max Freund and Cynthia Luna

July 4th, 2021
For those of us in the United States, this day is a celebration of our nation's Declaration of Independence, a powerful example that articulating a possible reality is the first step toward bringing it into existence. But now more than ever, we find ourselves reflecting: What lies beyond independence? All living things — whether a rebellious teenager or a well-oiled work team — need a certain degree of independence. It is a necessary step as we learn to distinguish ourselves from our surroundings and build a sense of our identity and ability to act in the world. Read more »

Meet the Keynote: Jennifer Hooten on Compassionate Action

October 7th, 2015
Jennifer Hooten 1
We are excited to announce Jennifer Hooten, M.A. as our keynote speaker for our upcoming Women in Leadership Mini-Retreat titled “Compassionate Action Without Burning Out.” Our team member, Becca Spence Dobias, had the opportunity to interview her on the topic.  Get a glimpse of what to expect in our upcoming retreat! Read more »