Developing leadership potential

At Praxsys Leadership, we see leadership as more than positional authority or a role one plays. In our view, leadership is an inherent quality everyone has access to, regardless of their place in the organization — and that only comes to fruition when exercised in collaboration with other people. Our leadership development programs are about fostering this competence in all people and contexts. Our team is fully prepared to provide these programs in person and/or online.

Self-Awareness in Action

Praxsys Leadership programs support leaders in building the self-awareness necessary for transformation and how to put it into action. Individuals and teams who are not aware cannot be effective. But awareness only takes us so far … we then need to act and adopt new practices to engender different results.

All Praxsys Leadership Programs …

  • Emphasize developing both self-awareness and practical competence.
  • Involve skills-based training, individual or group coaching, and peer support.
  • Build individual leadership and teamwork while advancing organizational goals.
  • Are pragmatic and methodical, with an evidence-based rigor designed to create measurable and meaningful shifts in your systems, culture and business as a whole.
  • Can be delivered through in-person, online, or hybrid formats, using interactive web-based tools to ensure high impact for geographically distributed or socially distancing teams.


Leadership Impact

Our Leadership Impact programs are designed to create profound shifts in an organization’s culture of leadership, breaking down silos and deepening reflective action toward strategic goals.

Journey in Leadership

Journey in Leadership is a unique experience, a retreat-in-action that will engage you in deep reflection on your life and leadership as you walk the historic Camino de Santiago in northwest Spain.

Learn more about how the Leadership Impact Program can change your organization — and how the Journey in Leadership can change your life.